1900 Yebisu Beer gains global recognition

1900 was a historic year for Yebisu Beer. The beer took the gold prize at the Paris Exposition. This accolade was drawn against a pool of beers from over thirty countries, so it was a testament to the quality. The display they installed, showcasing casks of beer piled high, also drew acclaim. Wooden boxes used for the decorative presentation of Yebisu Beer suggested its refined quality, and they were emblazoned with a logo stating, “Gold Medal at the Paris Exposition.” The beer also took the grand prize at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904. This meant that Yebisu Beer had not only drawn acclaim in Europe, but even the United States, and was gaining global renown.

  • A view of the product on display at the expo
    A view of the product on display at the expo
  • A decorative wooden box used when giving Yebisu Beer as a gift
    A decorative wooden box used
    when giving Yebisu Beer as a gift
  • Yebisu Beer for export
    Yebisu Beer for export